March 22, 2019
31 Things I'd Tell My 20 Year Old Self - Birthday Edition :)
Hi, friends! Happy Friday! Today marks #31 for me! Last year I wrote a post titled 30 Things I'd Tell My 20 Year Old Self . I feel like 20-30 was a huge growing decade! During those 10 years I really grew into an adult and the person I am now. I established what I believe in, the kind of person I wanted to marry, how I wanted to manage my money and I discovered I had a desire to be my own boss and start a company. My early 20's were not easy...they were actually super hard and a lot of my memories from that time are not that happy. However, I feel like I learned some really vital lessons during that time, lessons I am grateful for now. I have summed up my favorites below into bite-size pieces :) This year, I am adding just 1 nugget for #31. I would love to keep this traditional up and add to it each year.
This year has been full of a lot of #7. I am a people pleaser, but saying no has been freeing. It has allowed me to focus on the people and things that truly set my soul on fire.
So here we go! 31 Things I'd Tell My 20 Year Old Self:
1. It's okay if you don't have everything figured out the day you graduate from college or even if you don't have it figured out 10, 15 or 20 years after college. Work hard and pursue your passions and you'll figure it out. Just don't give up.
2. Though college was fun, post college is even more fun! And starting a family is even more fun than that...!!
3. Darling, you are just too darn hard on yourself. You're doing great. Be a little more gentle and kind to yourself.
4. You're going to feel directionless and lost sometimes, especially when you're trying to figure out who you are. That is okay. Welcome those feelings and let them make you stronger.
5. A "no" might feel like a rejection but really it's a blessing in disguise. Both in relationships and careers. God is shutting a door to open a better one. Trust Him.
6. Sometimes relationships don't work out, personally and professionally. Try your hardest not to burn bridges. It is better to not carry that weight on your shoulders.
7. When you say yes to something, you're saying no to something else. So, it's okay to say no. And learn to not feel guilty about it.
8. The impressive things will often times be made up of a lot of unimpressive things.
9. You're going to have bad jobs, bad bosses and just general uninteresting jobs. It isn't going to be a waste of time and it isn't going to be for nothing. You'll learn from those experiences and those experiences will be beneficial to you in some way.
10. You are not destined to have a mediocre job, marriage or life. These things take a lot of really hard work and dedication. But it'll be so worth it.
11. There are a lot of "shoulds" tossed around in life. If something doesn't feel right to you, listen to your gut and let that "gut feeling" be your answer.
12. If someone consistently makes you feel less than or is feeding you negative thoughts, give yourself permission to reevaluate the importance of the relationship.
13. Wear sunscreen, always.
14. God made you unique and different. Boldly and bravely be you.
15. If something is important to you, you must fight hard for it and never give up.
16. Sleep is very important. It's easy to skimp on sleep when you've got a lot to do but the work you'll produce (and your overall mood) will be so much better after rest!
17. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
18. Don't be a negative Nancy, no-one likes her. And in return don't let someone else's negative comments get to you or hinder you from pursuing your dreams.
19. Choose kindness, always. You never know who is quietly struggling or fighting some sort of battle.
20. People might not remember the things you say but they'll remember how you made them feel.
21. Keep your word, always.
22. Be an "includer". It hurts to be left out so don't ever make anyone feel that way.
23. You can do anything you set your mind to (my mom constantly told us this growing up and she's right).
24. Don't be afraid to speak up, your thoughts matter: in a relationship, in business, etc. If you don't ask or speak up, you will most definitely never get what you want.
25. You control your money, it does not control you. Save, contribute to your 401k and donate when you are able to.
26. God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your dreams. Go get those dreams, girl!
27. Life is too short. Take the trip, eat the cake, buy the cute dress.
28. Gossip is not cool and it's hurtful. What Sally says about Suzy says more about Sally than it does about Suzy.
29. Give abundantly without expecting anything in return.
30. Love is a choice. And say I love you a lot. Your people need to know you love them every single day.
31. Always keep a little room in your heart for the unimaginable. God is always working. When our eyes are open and our heart's are full of faith in God, it's amazing to watch things fall into place, doors being opened and doors being closed. By having our hearts and eyes open, we are able to more clearly witness, acknowledge and give glory to Him.
Thank you so much for reading along. I hope you found a tid bit of encouragement :) Have a blessed day. xo, Taylor